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原文 Car Seats: Information for Families for 2015 (from health children.org)

car seat info 2015

Infants & Toddlers: Rear-Facing 嬰幼兒:要朝向車尾(安全座椅要後向安裝)

The AAP recommends that all infants should ride rear- facing starting with their first ride home from the hospital. All infants and toddlers should ride in a rear-facing car seat until they are at least 2 years of age or preferably until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by their car seat’s manufacturer.

There are 3 types of rear-facing car seats: rear-facing only seats, convertible seats, and 3-in-1 seats.
When children reach the highest weight or length allowed by the manufacturer of their rear-facing only seat, they should continue to ride rear-facing in a convertible seat or 3-in-1 seat.

When using a rear-facing seat, keep the following in mind: 使用後向安全座椅時需注意
Place the harnesses in your rear-facing seat in slots that are at or below your baby's shoulders.
Ensure that the harness is snug and that the harness clip is placed at the center of the chest and at the level of the child’s armpits.
Make sure the car seat is installed tightly in the vehicle. If you can move the seat at the belt path more than an inch side to side or front to back, it's not tight enough.
Never place a rear-facing car seat in the front seat of a vehicle that has an active front passenger air bag. If the air bag inflates, it will hit the back of the car seat, right where your baby's head is, and could cause serious injury or death.

Common Questions About Rear-Facing Car Seats 後向汽座常見問題

What if my baby's feet touch the back of the vehicle seat?
Your child can bend his legs easily and will be comfortable in a rear-facing seat. Injuries to the legs are rare for children facing the rear.

What do I do if my baby slouches down or to the side in his car seat?
Blanket rolls may be placed on both sides of the infant and a small diaper or blanket between the crotch strap and the infant. Do not place padding under or behind the infant or use any sort of car seat insert unless it came with the seat or was made by the manufacturer of the seat.
Car seat with a small cloth between crotch strap and infant, harnass clip positioned at the center of the chest and at the level of the infant's armpits, and blanket rolls on both sides of the infant.

Why should I dress my baby in thinner layers of clothing before strapping her into a car seat?
Bulky clothing, including winter coats and snowsuits, can compress in a crash and lead to increased risk of injury. Ideally, dress your baby in thinner layers and tuck a coat or a blanket around your baby over the buckled harness straps if needed.



Toddlers & Preschoolers: Forward-Facing 幼兒和學齡前幼童:使用前向附有安全帶的汽座
Any child who has outgrown the rear-facing weight or height limit for their convertible car seat should use a forward-facing car seat with a harness for as long as possible, up to the highest weight or height allowed by their car seat manufacturer. It is best for children to ride in a seat with a harness as long as possible, at least to 4 years of age. If your child out-grows his seat before reaching 4 years of age, consider using a seat with a harness approved for higher weights and heights.

Common Questions About Foward-Facing Car Seats 前向汽座的常見疑問
What if I drive more children than can be buckled safely in the back seat?
It's best to avoid this, especially if your vehicle has air bags in the front seat. All children younger than 13 years should ride in the back seat. If absolutely necessary, a child in a forward-facing car seat with a harness may be the best choice to ride in front. Just be sure the vehicle seat is moved as far back away from the dashboard (and the air bag) as possible.


School-Aged Children: Booster Seats 學齡兒童:使用增高椅
Booster seats are for older children who have outgrown their forward-facing car seats. All children whose weight or height is above the forward-facing limit for their car seat should use a belt-positioning booster seat until the vehicle seat belt fits properly, typically when they have reached 4 feet 9 inches in height and are between 8 and 12 years of age. The owner's manual that comes with your car seat will tell you the height and weight limits for the seat. As a general guideline, a child has outgrown his forward-facing seat when any one of the following is true:

He reaches the top weight or height allowed for his seat with a harness. (These limits are listed on the seat and also included in the instruction booklet.)
His shoulders are above the top harness slots.
His ears have reached the top of the seat.


 Belt-positioning booster seat

Older Children: Seat Belts 較年長的兒童:車上安全帶
Seat belts are made for adults. Your child should stay in a booster seat until adult seat belts fit correctly (usually when the child reaches about 4 feet 9 inches in height and is between 8 and 12 years of age). When children are old enough and large enough to use the vehicle seat belt alone, they should always use lap and shoulder seat belts for optimal protection.
Lap and shoulder seat belt.
Using a Seat Belt 使用車上安全帶的要點
An adult seat belt fits correctly when:
The shoulder belt lies across the middle of the chest and shoulder, not the neck or throat.
The lap belt is low and snug across the upper thighs, not the belly.
Your child is tall enough to sit against the vehicle seat back with her knees bent comfortably over the edge of the seat without slouching and can stay in this position comfortably throughout the trip.
Other points to keep in mind when using seat belts include:
Make sure your child does not tuck the shoulder belt under her arm or behind her back. This leaves the upper body unprotected and adds extra slack into the seat belt system, putting your child at risk of severe injury in a crash or with sudden braking.
Never allow anyone to "share" seat belts. All passengers must have their own car safety seats or seat belts.

Important Reminders 重要提醒
Be a good role model. Make sure you always wear your seat belt. This will help your child form a lifelong habit of buckling up.
Make sure that everyone who transports your child uses the correct car seat or seat belt on every trip, every time. Being consistent with car seat use is good parenting, reduces fussing and complaints, and is safest for your child.
Never leave your child alone in or around cars. Any of the following can happen when a child is left alone in or around a vehicle. A child can:
Die of heat stroke because temperatures can reach deadly levels in minutes.
Be strangled by power windows, retracting seat belts, sunroofs, or accessories.
Knock the vehicle into gear, setting it in motion.
Be backed over when the vehicle backs up.
Become trapped in the trunk of the vehicle.
Always read and follow the manufacturer's instructions. If you do not have the manufacturer's instructions for your car seat, write or call the company's customer service department. They will ask you for the model number, name of seat, and date of manufacture. The manufacturer's address and phone number are on a label on the seat. Also be sure to follow the instructions in your vehicle owner's manual about using car seats. Some manufacturers' instructions may be available on their Web sites.


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